Points of Contact:

President: Courtney Day-Gierke
Email: albugierke.environmental@gmail.com
Phone: 505-259-5761

CEO: Casey Gierke
Email: albugierke.environmental@gmail.com
Phone: 505-490-1893

How can we help you?

Our CEO, Casey Gierke, has a master's of science in hydrogeology. In addition to technical environmental science skills, he has a passion for computer programming and solving challenging process related problems. We have worked with huge datasets, worked with and developed databases with myriad data types, written basic software to streamline common processes or to work around proprietary software limitations, automated rote tasks, automated complex tasks...

I would love to talk to you about my products and services and how we might work together.

We would love to hear from you. If you would like to get in touch with us to discuss a potential project or to engage our services, please take action and email or call now